I changed. So can YOU. Let's do this together.

I was once where you were. I can help you too if you want to do the work

(for yourself and yourself alone... not to please anyone else).

YOU are in the right place if...

- You want simple, easy, delicious, whole-food recipes to keep you nourished & in top working order.

- You want simple, food-based supplements that help you fill the gaps so you don't have to be perfect with food all the time.

- You are curious about why essential oils are popping up everywhere and how they can help YOU sleep/live/look/feel better.

- And you want them all without the pain of small talk (I despise them too, let's get right into D&M).

Hello! I'm Motoko - Welcome to my digital home.

I LOVE teaching curious, humble and honest people like you, how to improve your food, daily self-care/love habits, and eventually your whole life.

Honestly, I am still struggling. I am a recovering perfectionist, a recovering vegan/vegetarian, and now healing from microcytic anaemia.

I have learned SO MUCH, officially going to schools and via self-experimentation. I want to show you what is helping me.

In my 20s I was 15kgs heavier and my "hobby" was eating ice cream on white bread and sucking tea through Tim Tams (a whole pack in one go, mind you).

I've lost my excess kilos and kept them off for over 15 years.

I found food freedom (no more obsessing about what to eat or how much/when).

I don't catch every little germ anymore because I've learned to tune into my body and naturally support it whenever needed.

How? I focus on four things:

Biocircadian functional nutrition - essential oils - supplementation - gut health.

Don't poo-poo them until you try them *properly*. They can help YOU, too.

Let me help you bring them into YOUR life, and save you money and future headaches (literal and figurative) at the same time.

Blog Posts Hand-Picked For YOU x

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DM me on Instagram @MOKOTOKO.FOODIST :)

I love a friendly chat!


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